Duty-free is permitted if the following requirements are met:
- The property has been in the possession and use of the shipper for at least 6 months.
- Property can not be sold or transferred within one year of importation.
- Used household goods shipment must be imported no later than 12 months after the shipper has arrived.
- Returning nationals and EC citizens must have lived abroad for at least 1 year for duty-free entry.
- Foreign citizens, including EC citizens, must obtain the Residence Permit and Work Permit cards needed for customs clearance.
- Copy of passport
- Detailed inventory / packing list in Spanish, valued, dated and signed.
- Spanish Identification Card (DNI) or Residence Permit Card (EU citizens) if Residence Permit Card can not be provided, a bond (Bank Guarantee or Cash Bond) may be posted. The bond can be recovered upon presentation of the Residence Card, if received within a year of the importation
- Fiscal identification number (NIF)
- Original of De-registration certificate issued by their corresponding Consulate or Local City Certificate of Departure obtained at Townhall, Police or similar legal authority at origin.
- Original of Registration Certificate in the Town hall of Spanish residency.
- Application forms for duty-free importation signed by the shipper (model available in our office)
- Original Bill of lading or Air Way Bill
- Copy of passport
- Detailed inventory / packing list in Spanish, valued, dated and signed.
- Residence Permit Card. If the shipper cannot provide such Residence Card, a bond (Bank Guarantee or Cash Bond) may be posted. The bond can be recovered upon presentation of the Residence Card if received within a year of the importation.
- Local city or consular Certificate of Departure obtained at Townhall, Police or similar legal authority at origin.
- Original of Registration Certificate in the Town hall of Spanish residency.
- Application forms for duty-free importation signed by the shipper (model available in our office).
- Original Bill of Lading or Air Way Bill.
NOTE: If moving to Canary Islands additional documents may be required.
The import of a used vehicle (a privately owned automobile, trailer, camping trailer, motorcycle, recreational boat and small airplane) is permitted under the following requirements:
- Duty-free importation is granted for 6 months, if the shipper takes up residence in Spain and meets all other conditions.
- Shipper must have resided abroad for at least 12 months.
- The shipper must have used the vehicle for at least 6 months.
- If modifications to the original design have been carried out on the vehicle, then importation is prohibited.
- The shipper must obtain a Spanish Vehicle Registration.
- Purchase invoice
- Registration or Title
- Circulation permit
- Tax receipt - if VAT or similar tax paid at origin is less than the Spanish tax, the shipper will have to pay the difference.
- License plates from country of origin
- Copy of Insurance Certificate
- Identification Card (DNI) or Residence Permit Card
- Original Certificate of De-registration issued by their corresponding Consulate, or Local City Certificate of Departure obtained at Townhall, Police or similar legal authority at origin.
- Original of Registration Certificate in the Town hall of Spanish residency.
- Application forms for duty-free importation signed by the shipper (model available in our office).
- Engine seals and marks as well as chassis seals and marks have to be taken physically from the car and a set of this information has to be attached to original documents sent to our office.
Dogs and cats are permitted importation with no routine quarantine, but at the discretion of Customs, an animal may be kept for 40 days in quarantine.
- Vaccination and Health Certificate from veterinarian, consularized at origin, stating the animal has no contagious diseases.
Antiques and works of art may enter duty-free provided they form part of a household goods shipment, have been in the possession of the shipper for at least 6 months and are proportional for th